Analog stopwatch for the Fitbit Ionic & Versa
Kronos is an simple analog stop watch with classic controls.
It has unlimited lap memory and can count time up to 59 hours,
59 minutes,
and 59 seconds
with hundredth of a second accuracy.
It's basic operation is controlled by just 2 buttons:
- Start/Stop
- Main control button, does exactly what it says. Press this button
to start timing, press it again to stop.
- Clear/Lap
- Used to clear the timer (when the timer is stopped) or save
a lap time (when the timer is running).
Read below for more details on the operation and control of Kronos.
Kronos is licensed under the GPL V3.0.
The source tree is available for browsing
and a tarball is available
Main display
Refer to the picture of the main clock face above
to understand the information provided by Kronos.
There is an analog clock in the center with
buttons in 3 corners that control its operation.
- Clear/Lap - Upper right hand corner
This button changes its image and meaning depending on
whether the stopwatch is running or stopped.
- Stopped - the button appears as a yellow
circular arrow
Pressing the button will clear the time to 0
and delete all lap times.
- Running - the button appears as a yellow
lap counter
Pressing the button will save the current
time as the next lap.
- Start/Stop - Lower right hand corner
this button changes its image and meaning depending on
whether the stopwatch is running or stopped.
- Stopped - the button appears as a red arrow
Pressing the button starts the timer
(and changes the button to a green double bar).
- Running - the button appears as a green double bar
Pressing the button stops the timer
(and changes the button to a red arrow);
- Laps - Lower left hand corner
This button appears as a white list
and brings up a scrollable display showing
all the laps that have the saved.
Note that the last line of this list is
the total elapsed time that is being measured.
Analog watch face
A normal stop watch face with marking that go from
1 to 60.
Note that there are hour and minute and second hands and,
like on a normal watch,
the minute and second hands count from 1 to 60 but,
unlike on a normal watch,
the hour hand also counts from 1 to 60.
As you can see,
the image above on the left is showing a stopped time of
3 hours, 45 minutes and 7.42 seconds while the image on the
right is showing a running time of
3 hours, 45 minutes and 9 seconds.
Note the subtle difference between the appearance
while the timer is stopped
(the image above on the left)
and the appearance while the timer is running
(the image above on the right.
This stopped image shows the hundredths of a second
for the current elapsed time
as 2 digits in the center of the watch face.
This hundreths value is only shown when the watch is
(there's no point in displaying this number when the watch
is running as it would just be too confusing for
human eyes that can't track it and, therefore, would provide
no benefit for significat battery drain overhead).
The start/stop button shows as red when the watch is stopped
and green when the watch is running.
From this you can see
that the color of the start/stop button indicates the current
running state of the watch while the shape of the start/stop
button indicates what will happen when you press the button.
The clear/lap button changes from a circular arrow icon (clear
function) to a lap icon (lap function) as appropriate.
Lap display
Each time the lap button is pressed
(while the timer is running)
Kronos saves that lap time.
This display shows all of those
saved laps.
In addition,
stopping the timer while there
are laps saved will cause an implicit,
final lap to be saved.
(If there are no current laps then
stopping the timer will only save
the total elapsed time.)
There's no built in limit on the number of
laps that can be saved
(although you could eventually run out of
memory on the Fitbit device but you'd have to
save a lot of laps to hit that limit).
The last line of the display always shows the
total elapsed time that is being measured.
Note that,
just like for the analog disply,
the hundreths of a second data is only
displayed while the timer is stopped.
the label on this line will change
(when the time is stopped)
(while the timer is running).
The clock
button on the upper right just returns back to the main,
analog display.
Lap display
Timing things is nice but,
especially when timing long running events,
it's helpfull to be able to see the current
wall clock time.
Tapping the center of the analog watch face
switches its display from stop watch to wall clock,
as illustrated above.
Tapping the center of the watch face
again switches back to the stop watch face.
It's fairly obvious what is being displayed
as the watch face goes from 1 to 60 when the
stop watch is being displayed to
1 to 12 when the wall clock time is being displayed.
Note that all of the stop watch buttons are fully
operational while in wall clock mode
(although you can't see the effect of the operations,
clear/lap work and you can bring up the lap list
if desired).
Maintained by Don Dugger <>
"Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse." - D. Gale